We have the pleasure to be a co-organizer of the exhibition “In my opinion …” – jewellery with a message. This exhibition has so far travelled around Polish cities (Krakow, Kazimierz Dolny, Gdansk, Warszawa) and now starts its tour around Europe. The first stop is London. The exhibition will continue in our Gallery till the 22nd November 2018.
The main idea of creating this project was to draw attention to the values that today stand behind the art of jewellery. We asked ourselves what jewellery is for our recipient? We noticed that it “looks”, is “designer” or “branded” more often, but it ceased to carry meaning and value (maybe except for devotional items). Our intension is to bring our audience closer to the narrations of the artists’ works, containing commentaries, protest, negation, applause or questions.
During the exhibition, all the works will be evaluated by the viewers, but not in the traditional way … We aim to enable the audience to share their emotions with our work, which, in our opinion, is the most valuable asset.
Opening night in our Gallery on 25th October 2018 :
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Images from this roaming exhibition that that took place in various parts of Poland: